Advising on the CIEE Entrepreneur Lab

I’m working with CIEE (the Council on International Educational Exchange), helping their thinking around and approach to creating an Entrepreneur Lab (eLab) which they will launch next year in London (with a focus on creativity) and Berlin (with a focus on sustainability).

CIEE (the Council On International Educational Exchange) is a US-based non-profit study abroad and inter-cultural exchange organisation founded in 1947, at which a number of my colleagues lecture and run programmes. It runs study abroad programmes in more than 40 countries.

The eLab will be an innovation space for recent university graduates from around the world seeking the opportunity to gain hands-on experience as entrepreneurs, at an ‘emerging’ or advanced level.

Among my work with them I am helping them put together an eLab Advisory Committee, develop the approach and programme, find and brief lecturers, and partner with organisations for site visits. 

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